Social Justice Partners
Social Justice Partnerships (SJP) is a compact of Local Public Sector Service Providers such as Local Government Bodies and Local Clinical Commissioning Groups (Providers); Local Third Sector Organisations; Individuals; Local Businesses (Facilitators); and Local Residents or User organisations (Users) – together hereafter referred to as “Social Justice Partners”.

Facilitating understanding
Facilitate a mutual understanding of Social Justice between Local Social Justice Partners

Engaging Partners
Engage Social Justice Partners in coordinating the development and implementation of a Local Social Justice Strategic plans and Results Frameworks

Optimising, monitoring and evaluating
Optimise, monitor and evaluate the mutual accountability of Social Justice Partners for delivery of Local Social Justice Strategic Plans and Results Frameworks
Social Justice Partners.

Report by the Coalition of Black and Black Ethnic Groups for the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities on the “Open consultation – Ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK: call for evidence”
The purpose of this paper is to provide input on the impact the Covid-19 pandemic is having on members of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community in the United Kingdom.

Report by the Coalition of Black and Black Ethnic Groups for Women and Equalities Select Committee on Impact of Covid-19 on BAME Community in the UK
The purpose of this paper is to provide input on the impact the Covid-19 pandemic is having on members of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) community in the United Kingdom.