Our Approach
SJP coordinates meetings, workshops and conferences towards delivery of Local Social Justice outcomes by:
Assessing, mapping and mobilising local assets, including
- the skills, knowledge, social competence and commitment of individual community members
- friendships, intergenerational solidarity, community cohesion and neighbourliness within a community
- local groups and community and voluntary associations, ranging from formal organisations to informal, mutual aid networks such as babysitting circles
- physical, environmental and economic resources within a community
- assets brought by external agencies – public, private and third sector
Strengthening communities
Empowering, drawing on and strengthening community assets to take collective action that will in turn lead to better social justice outcomes. Examples of Approaches include community capacity building; community development; asset-based community development; time banking; community empowerment; community organising and mutual aid.
Volunteering and peer interventions
This focuses on enhancing individuals’ capabilities to provide advice, information and support and to organise activities around Social justice in their own or other communities.
Social justice in their own or
This group of approaches is characterised by partnership working with communities to improve planning and decision-making. It involve communities and local services working together at any stage of the planning cycle: identifying needs and agreeing priorities, planning and programme design, decision-making, implementation and evaluation. Examples include Community-based participatory research (CBPR); Area-based initiatives to tackle social injustice at an area or neighbourhood; Community engagement in planning; and Co-production projects aimed at developing equal, reciprocal relationships between Providers and Users.
Facilitating access to community resources
This focuses on connecting individuals and families to community resources – information, services, practical help, and group activities and volunteering opportunities.
Supporting Social Justice Partners locally
Purpose of
We are motivated by the pursuit of Social Justice and mobility obtained only by respecting the transcendent dignity of the human person, whose defence and promotion have been entrusted to us and to whom the men and women at every moment of history are strictly and responsibly in debt.
We believe the gulf between theory and practice of Social Justice has significantly widened to be largely irrelevant to local needs both as a society and as individuals. SJP aims to narrow this gap by reaching a common understanding of Social Justice and, on the basis of this understanding, providing local solutions to Local Social Justice needs.